Friday, September 23, 2011

Deep. Cleansing. Breath. and a Happy Birthday for my lungs.

Today, my lungs are 3 years old. Three years ago, today, I quit smoking. Completely. With no slip-ups. Well, except for the fifteen pounds I gained that won't come off!  My day now starts with coffee instead of a cigarette. I breathe without the "snap, crackle, pop" that I was developing too soon to be a thirty-five-year-old woman. Oh, I still have the same noises, but now, at thirty-eight, it is coming from my bones! And even with those stubborn fifteen pounds, I can run if I need to, whether anyone is chasing me or not.
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  1. Congratulations on quitting smoking! As you can see, you're already reaping the benefits. Keep up the good work and welcome to Blogland.

  2. AWESOME! I start my day off with coffee too. Actually it's what gets me out of be in the morning :) Keep up the good work!

  3. Yay YOU!!! I totally admire anyone that can demonstrate such awesome self discipline!!! Best of luck in the continued journey!!!

  4. way to go girl!!! i quit in 2001...but i am sorry to say i have copd now and it is in the 2nd stage:( but it not only came from smoking but with my job of handling boxes with lots of dust and driving a truck on dirt roads for over 30 years..again way to go..jackie
